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Order form

Stili Profil / Scoutbadges.com will handle your order as soon as possible. You will receive an order confirmation by e-mail when the order is forwarded to production.

Felter markert med * må fylles ut

Please provide information about quantity, size and colour preferences.

Vent 3 sekunder for å sende.

How to order

The embroidered badges can be made in all sizes and shapes. Use your creativity when you design your own badge and we will make it for you. All the prices on scoutbadges.com are included starting costs and an unlimited amount of thread colours – just to make it easier for you.

We offer a scanned sample if necessary, before the production is started.

All file types are suitable
An electronic picture file in jpg, gif, png, pdf or eps/ai are all perfect for making a perfect badge. You can also make a drawing by hand , for example if you have a drawing contest among the scouts.
Scan it and send it to scoutbadges.com and we will make the badge.

How to find the right size
To find the right size for your badges, simply do as follows. Hight + width and divide it by two. In the example below, the size is 45 + 75 / 2 = 60 mm. If you order 300 pieces of these emblems the prize will be 300 x 0,66 pr. pcs. = 198 Euro + postage.
See our price list here!



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